They would cut one or more employee to offset the extra tax burden and make the rest work harder to compensate.
What would stop the new company down the street from hiring those who were laid-off? The idiot cuts employees and expects the remaining employees to work harder to make up the difference…while the “boss” takes no cut in pay or increase in work???? The business would fail within months.
Enter the new business down the street (started by one of the ticked-off workers who does all the WORK and knows the business better than the “boss”), that pays its employees fairly and treats them well. Who do you think will be more productive, have more repeat clients/customers due to superior service, and have a better reputation (goodwill) — which increases the value of the company?
What some people fail to realize is that you need an end user/customer at the end of the business chain. That’s J6, whether you like it or not. And your wealth is directly tied to his, with a lag.
BTW, there is plenty of socialism for the rich. They control the politicians, and control the laws which govern where money flows. They have succeeded in brainwashing the sheeple into believing labor unions are bad and “socialism” is an evil darkness lurking behind every corner…waiting to turn us all into grey-uniformed, nameless, faceless communists…BOO!!