The tech industry has a relatively low unemployment rate because that’s the industry of the day. Just like the auto manufacturers of the 1940s and 50s, it will rise and fall…like many other industries before it. It has nothing to do with unions or the lack of them.
Tech, as it applies to “writing apps” and coming up with new ways to use a cell phone, will slowly fade, if it hasn’t already started. Other competitors will take over, some of them from other countries, and while Silicon Valley will probably always be a thriving place for tech simply because of the people who are drawn there — not because of a lack of unions — it will also experience periods of boom and bust. The only question is when, not if, tech as the “hottest sector” will begin to fade. Sometime down the line, another sector will take its place and the people who work in that sector will think that they are invincible and that the good times will never end, just like every hot industry (empire, nation, etc.) that came before it.
I’d also like to draw your attention to the fact that GM was the ONLY union company to get bailed out by the govt during the financial crisis; many other companies and industries were bailed out, and are still being bailed out as we speak, to the tune of trillions of dollars in govt-backed loans/guarantees, lost savings for those who rely on interest income, taxpayer-funded asset purchases, under-market sales to well-connected people in the financial sector, etc. ALL of these other industries have NO UNIONS. How do you reconcile that with your assertion that unions were the cause of all of our economic problems?