I have long advocated for it, even if USA were to completely go green how do you get the rest of the world on board when 80% of the world is living hand to mouth. So IMO geo engineering is only real option.[/quote]
time for geo engineering?!
fact is from 1850 to 2019, human activity has released 2,400 gigatons of CO2,… point being humanity is already “geo engineering”
[quote=Roger Revelle (1957) UCSD “founder”] “Thus human beings are now carrying out a large scale geophysical experiment of a kind that could not have happened in the past nor be reproduced in the future. Within a few centuries we are returning to the atmosphere and oceans the concentrated organic carbon stored in sedimentary rocks over hundreds of millions of years. This experiment, if adequately documented, may yield a far-reaching insight into the processes determining weather and climate. It therefore becomes of prime importance to attempt to determine the way in which carbon dioxide is partitioned between the atmosphere, the oceans, the biosphere and the lithosphere.”