….Riverside was the fastest growing county in Southern California—and the 4th fastest growing in the state….
This is all due to rampant CFD formation, approved by its short-sighted, greedy and incompetent leaders mostly in the last decade. RIV Co has turned from an agriculture and military-based county (self-sustaining) into a megalopolis bedroom community with few jobs which pay enough for rent/mortgage.
The average commute to a decent-paying job from most of those *newish* communities is likely 50-60 miles one way.
I understand that no one could effect the Air Force’s decisions to close March AFB and downgrade operations of Norton AFB. However, the only entity that came out ahead in building up every square mile of land there with cheap McHomes was Big Development. Of course, by the time nearly all of them were “in distress,” Big D had moved on to TX, to build among the tumbleweeds.
Why should the national builders care about what happens to CA? They made their initial profits, left the state in search of new land to rape and and let the local gubments here deal with the aftermath :=0