The reason China has so many men is because parents want a boy. Many have had girls and have killed them or disposed of them in some way so that the one child they have is a boy.
I doubt that would be a problem in the U.S. At times, I have thought that there should be some kind of cap related to income. Otherwise you cannot support your child. With the welfare system there would be caps on families etc. So if you did sneak around and have a child, your money wouldn’t raise, you would be putting your family in jeopardy.
Though, I would feel badly for a seal with something around it’s neck and it choking itself, I wouldn’t cry. In fact I would have probably followed through to make sure someone came to check the seal out though.
Skipping a day of food is a little drastic also. If anything, you should be yelling for something that is realistic. High standards for mileage/gallon for ALL vehicles for manufacturers. High standards on credit and reform on social programs. Now.. that is something to hope for. Not everyone wants to be living in log cabins and eating leaves and wearing hemp blankets.