The person who gave this to me says hes a English actor impersonating a Kazakstan buying in America.
Ah, yes, the multi-talented Sasha Baron-Cohen, a.k.a ‘Ali G’.
I’m well aquainted with Ali G, but haven’t seen much of Borat due to not living in the UK anymore.
Doubtless using much the same format as the late ‘Ali G’ – hapless, stupid person (S B-C) talks to ‘expert’ and asks the kinds of questions only a true idiot would, thus reducing most of the audience to helpless laughter.
OK, doesn’t sound so funny maybe, but the questions really do come from left of Left Field and Sasha Baron-Cohen is easily as intelligent and educated as his ‘prey’ and can thus ask loaded questions under the guise of stupidity.
OK, I guess you just had to be there…;-)
I’ll quit while I’m behind..
On the subject of Gated Communities – I personally would not live in one even if I was paid to. My first two questons are always
‘who are you trying to keep out?’ and
‘who are you trying to keep in?’
And, on the whole, the houses in gated communities tend to be McMansions, and waay too big for me and The Other Half.
Not only is it the height of snobbery and paranoia (‘ooohh, my place is so special that I have to have a guard!!!’), its an invasion of my privacy having to have guests sign in and out – who’s business is it, but mine, whom I chose to have visit?.
Plus, its an incentive for burglars to case the place out – if its that exclusive it must be rich for robbing!
Plus the stupid HOAs/attitude – why should I pay to turn my neighbourhood into a security-crazed compound, and why would my neighbours be interested in the precise length of my lawn?
I’m a good neighbour -I’m quiet, clean, tidy, don’t play loud music, stay up late at night having parties, don’t leave junk in my driveway or dump old cars on my lawn. What’s not to like? Why are my standards less acceptable than some homogeneous Neighbourhood Council, to which i have to pay money every month? The irony being that most gated communities are in already affluent areas…
I’m sure lots of people enjoy living under those circumstances and conditions, but for me its the definitive ‘entitlement groupthink’ taken to its most ludicrous extreme.