That’s a great piece by Ruben Navarrette from the U-T, who often shows uncommon wisdom in his opinion pieces.
At the risk of offending many parents and their boomerang offspring, I suggest that sheltering their mid-twenties something children at home is doing them a great disservice. Yes it is a great money-saver, but it enables the returnee to be ultra-picky about the job they will accept, avoid the tough choices about living on their own, and dodge the trial and error stumbles that make someone an adult.
It is by falling on our face a few times that we finally take pride in succeeding. When parents, especially mothers, do too much for their kids, they are robbing them of accomplishing success in the face of adversity. Many commentators on this thread have cited the obstacles they have overcome, and done so with obvious pride. Kids need to take prudent risks, be adventuresome, and carve out their own future.
I suggest the new college graduate be given a time limit to stay with the parents, say two months rent free, then market rent for six months for that spare bedroom and no more free food. Oh, and don’t even think about overnight guests!