Thanks Paramount. I will order it. Unfortunately, the website also has that shouting propaganda look to it. Perhaps those of us fighting the New World Order need to get some better website designers and more Hollywood types to streamline the movies. Of course, that would mean more control by the Elite, so I guess we gotta work with what we have.
On the RFID card, we won’t see that in May. But, I work civil service, and they have it in place there. We have a CAC card, fingerprinted, scan bar…yup, we are product code (human capital is it?).
The internet is so restricted that you cannot even see JPGs on many websites. Even the Union Tribune website has the DOD warning message–bold print–to scare us. For awhile I got around the yahoo mail, by linking through foreign countries, but they locked that down too. It seems like every day, more and more is blocked, and NO I am not looking at porn, New World Order, or anything controversial. They even pulled the CD burning program, and sometimes I need those for power point presentations. Now, I gotta go to a supervisor.
I have 13 complex passwords (numbers, capital letters, lower case letters, symbols) for different websites I use throughout the year. These passwords must be changed every 60 days. And, I am a fairly mid/low level position without clearances, top secret stuff, blah blah.