Thank you Raptorduck for your inputs. The concepts you expressed above are very helpful for me. I will definitely use these concepts on my house search. We will still be waiting though for the more affordability in price. At the moment I think the market is only starting to move down. IMO, the psychology of the sellers are still mixed, the psychology of the housing market is still distracted with frequent Ben and Bush’s tool box until, I guess, they run out of tools. Waiting has its risks, IMHO, such as risk of high inflation or the small chance of monetary collapse. I suspect that this government wants intentional and controlled moderate-high inflation to decrease the overall debt burden. Monetary inflation may meet housing deflation at some point and I am not sure 100% that at that point it will be concluded that I made a correct decision to wait since 2003 compared to my friends. Still, I think my chance to be right for continue waiting maybe at around 70%. Anyway, reading all your long posts, I can’t help but wanted to remind you to not to give out too much private info in the general hacking world.