Thank you, Akula. Nearly all of that area that you are shopping in is one that is “coveted” by homebuyers and residents. Perhaps the Northern VA area is more “friendly” to VA buyers than SD County is. Even though you state here, “(your) realtor knows (you) can go either way,” the offers you have been writing included VA financing with little or no money down, no? A seller only sees the offer you have submitted to them or hears the terms of that offer telephonically from their agent. They have no idea “what your realtor knows.” If you REALLY WANT a property, make sure your offer is as clean as possible.
Why don’t you find out if Seller A actually sold their property for a higher price than you offered? Talk is cheap. He will have the same problem (with the unregistered cert) with any other buyer who goes into escrow on his property. Perhaps he has fixed it by now and the property is still listed. Sellers’ egos sometimes get in the way and they get into a huff and make things difficult when what they REALLY want to do is sell. Perhaps you could approach him again with a cleaner offer and a different agent
Akula, it sounds like you are serious buyers and I hope you are successful on the purchase of a home. Most of Fairfax County is a very good permanent choice to settle in, even AFTER you leave active duty :=)