Sound like buyer’s remorse hits you extra hard so what’s the rush? There will be many nicer homes to choose from at 15-20% lower than where we are today. I wasn’t that impressed with the houses you’re looking at aside from one. Some of them probably sold for 150-175k 6-7 years ago, so why should you pay 3 times that in a falling market? The Tisbury was by far the nicest even with the Bali/Indian palace look from the front. What are you gonna do w/7000sf anyhow? That pool/spa combo would come in handy for pool parties with the divorcees I guess. 🙂 Between the Mello-Roos (if any) and taxes you’re looking at a sizeable chunk of your nest egg getting eaten up in a market that is going to take years to recover from. If all the advice you’ve gotten from everyone so far doesn’t slow you down a bit then make sure to buy a pair of Teflon gloves…lol