That second article shows where a fine goes. The local jurisdiction like a city who pays the cops to enforce traffic laws barely makes it’s money back and have kept fines the same for 20+ years. It’s the state legislature that has tacked on fees tripling the fines mostly to pay for things they are responsible for. Both teams are to blame, when Pete Wilson was in office it started and I remember back then reading an article that LAPD traffic citations fell by half because they lost money on tickets since the lion share of the money went elsewhere. It’s okay to get mad, just get mad at the right people and it’s been incremental by leaders from both teams, but it’s not the city of San Diego, it’s not Todd Gloria that can fix it, ask Gavin to fix it. I’m not defending Todd, not a fan at all, just pointing out that the fault may lie elsewhere. Plus Todd is a progressive, it’s against his ideology to act against the homeless so that’s the wrong tree to bark up. Not sure there is a tree to bark up these days. Funny thing is, Brin actually mentioned something about a 5 year residency test for services, that’s an idea that is worth looking into and since he is as progressive as they come perhaps Todd will go for that. That may very well be the solution if the OC article is not just anecdotal, which I cannot prove or disprove just from an article.
Final article but to give some data to the assertion that cities attract the poor, California is just a little more attractive. Sorry it’s an old article but I’m sleepy so I went with the first one and I doubt the UT would run an article like this today since that paper has downsized so much it’s all regurgitation nowadays.
disclaimer: the opinion of the author in no way indicates an opposition to the points expressed by other posters, just adding some reference material to previous assertions. Consider it added flavor and not an alternative entree.[/quote]
I’ve never been a trump fan,… but WRT MSM have to agree w/ POTUS in that it is mostly all regurgitation nowadays and very little critical analysis,… #sad
as I see things,…. one has to realize prices for RE, equities, bonds, etc., are all somewhat interrelated, furthermore there is a positive price bias,… and we know this because of the expression that “the market can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent”
I mention this because the other day driving on my way to sign off on my 2018 tax returns, listened to a news segment about U.S. adults who averaged an “F” WRT financial literacy
[quote] Should High Schools Teach Financial Literacy?
Only 17 states require a financial literacy course in high school. Perhaps that explains why U.S. adults averaged an “F” on a recent survey about financial literacy from the business school at George Washington University.
given politicians like Gavin or Todd Gloria are elected from the general population,… its pretty certain the no talent ass clowns (i.e. political leadership) would also average an “F” on a survey about financial literacy!
last week noticed an editorial cartoon about immigration both into and out of California and on the next page an opinion letter about the homeless from an individual from vets for peace,… just happens one of the characters that hangs out at the local coffee shop is a retired USAF F4 driver who happens to have economics background (and is a member for the vets for peace), so we often talk about various subjects like economics, the homeless, etc.
anyway looking at the problem as an aircraft crash investigation seems the no talent ass clowns (i.e. political leadership) are dishonest and dumb WRT managing the economy,… and we know this because of “error chain” analysis which is a method used in the aviation sector to help uncover the root cause of a crash,… bottom line seems to be until the root cause is addressed head on pretty certain we are headed for a major local financial crash and ever increasing number of homeless,… simply because those at the controls are not doing their jobs,… so this causes migration into california from economic refuges trying to escape $hit management in latin american countries, as well as migration out of california from economic refuges trying to escape $hit management by no talent ass clowns like Gavin or Todd Gloria
FYI there was a news report a few years ago about a local san diego/golden hill “safe parking” program geared toward preventing people becoming homeless and sleeping on the streets,… what I thought was noteworthy was the program included financial counseling
Middle-class Americans forced to live in cars
also FWIW what you might find interesting is an outreach program that sheds light on a little known aspect and musical talent of some of the local homeless
anyhow,… as for the NPR segment I listened to that asked asked the question,… Should High Schools Teach Financial Literacy?… and also mentioned April is financial literacy month,… sadly have to conclude because politicians as well as reporters are unable to think critically about middle school math as it relates to managing a public pension portfolio,… eventually the markets are no longer going to be able to ignore $hit political management by no talent ass clowns (at all levels of government) so remaining irrational will have to eventually give way to the harsh reality that BIG debt obligations were caused by ignoring middle school math concepts (which in turn pushes those unable to cope w/ ever increasing costs to migrate or become homeless)
…He served as the chair of the city’s Budget and Finance Committee, Council President and as interim mayor after the resignation of Bob Filner.
…Cons? Critics have often pointed out that Gloria didn’t do enough with his time on the city council to address the issue of homelessness back at a time when it could have conceivably been much more manageable.
so as I see things there there are lots of unanswered questions the press should be asking about the 13th pension check, the growing homeless problem, etc!