[quote=temeculaguy]Here’s why history and anectdotes don’t matter. We work, hell we work too much. We have the longest workweeks, the shortest vacations, the longest working lives. Sure we end up with shorter lifespans, more heart attacks, high divorce and substance abuse rates. [/quote]
Will not argue that.
We will have bad years, we may lose some ground and some industries, but we keep coming up with new ones. [/quote]
Enlighten me, please on the new industry we have come up with — other than the fail safe housing that we abused grossly this last cycle.
[quote=sdrealtor]You are full of it TG – I say while drinking a Cab from Oakville in a GoVino Glass Made in the USA. We make nothing;)[/quote]
When did you buy that glass and where b/c I’m having a hard time finding wine glasses made here. About ready to check antique shops.
[quote=carlsbadworker] We have so many choices available to us to improve our lots, that the rest of the world could only dream about. [/quote]
Except fewer choices when it comes to buying American.