. . . It usually takes women about ten years of being single to figure this out, hopefully I’ve only offended a few dozen women and more than that will read this and do something about it so we wont have to read about how there aren’t any good men out there. We are what you make us, nothing more.[/quote]
Good L@rd, TG!!! I’m kinda late to this party but nowhere in your lengthy post do you mention anything about a woman or her spouse/partner wanting an “equal relationship.” I would think that most women do NOT want to fall into a “dependency trap” where the woman thinks she OWES her partner by putting up with “transgressions” (some ridiculous and dangerous to breathe – such as “cigars”) due to being wholly financially supported. I can assure you that the vast majority of single women (at least in SD) would NOT date a smoker of any kind under any circumstances.
Hell-o-o-o-o out there . . . What about the self-actualized man who makes good decisions on his own without a co-dependent female at his side constantly advising him and otherwise running his life? They are OUT THERE (for the more “independent and evolved-type” woman) 🙂