Tell me which car company first produced hybrid cars?
That would be Lohner-Porche in 1898.
The first regenerative-braking hybrid (that all modern hybrid designs are based off of) was designed by Electrical Engineer David Arthurs around 1978. These and more fun facts about the history of technology are available at Wikipedia (another ‘merkin innovation!)
Anyways, the point I’m making is that for all this American bashing I see we are still world-leaders from a technological standpoint. And have been for at least the last 100 years. And I think *much* of it has to do with encouraging independence, innovation and creativity, even at the expense of not producing as many high-quality worker bee’s as Asia does.
Not bad given North America is fourth-largest in population after Asia, Africa, and Europe. Maybe the next hundred years will be different, but I have yet to see much evidence of it.
Btw, we must be doing something right, as Asians are still immigrating and enrolling in US uni’s in record numbers!