[quote=squat250]well but everyone is a priest in the mormon church.
i think the deal was blacks couldn’t get celestial marriages and other benefits, so in the afterlife, they basically had lowerclass positions, like servants to the fully celestially endowed, whcih w as still good, because at least you were in heaven, even if you had a crap job there, much better than non-mormons, whoa re totally locked out, but not as good a spot in heaven as what a full on white person would get. that changed in 78 when blacks were recognized as being entitled toa full share of the afterlife.
the problem came about due to prosyletizing in brazil–no one could tell who the black people were, or how much black was in them…so for expansion purposes, a revelation w as necessary…good business move…
seems different than women in churches today…or maybe not….[/quote]
Not to quibble – but I’m not sure if women are priests in the LDS faith. In fact I’m pretty sure they can’t hold any ecclesiastic roles in the church.
Maybe that makes it easier to put them in a binder.