If I had it all over to do again, I would go to law school. Tech degree + JD = extreme versatility, especially as litigation $$$ over IP zoom skyward.
Good luck on your decisions. Education is always a good investment. Just have a plan to maximize ROI.
Keep hunting. Skilled people are in short supply, but in a place like SD you’ll have to dig and be more aggressive finding the opportunities. Consider the sales side if you have the personality for it. The money is usually better than R&D or product marketing-type jobs, especially if you have a technical degree.
And, sometime in the future, you should check out the Boston area. Its not for everyone, but it does have a vibrant job market similar to Manhattan or SF/SJC. For my money, I’ll take the sunshine, hence my wait for another promotion to open up in SoCal so I can move back with the same great job/company.