You’ve nailed it, Joe. That’s a HUGE reason, if not the primary reason, why many women won’t take mass transit (or bike by themselves late at night or in isolated areas). Why do women drive SUVs? Safety. Why do women want to live in clean, well-maintained, suburban areas? Safety…and good schools, which are also considered “good” largely because they are safer than other schools.
This makes sense on the surface. But what’s interesting is that most denser urban areas have a female/male ratio significantly higher than 50/50. I think that MEN have the desire to protect women and push them to get SUVs, move to the ‘burbs, etc….[/quote]
That’s probably just a matter of where the jobs are…and the single men that many of these women might want to meet. Most single/childless people don’t like living in the suburbs, especially if those suburbs are the type where everything closes down at 8:00 p.m., even on weekends. Once you have kids, everything changes. I think that women, especially those who have kids, would always choose safety over just about everything else.