[quote=spdrun]I’m not sure if solely stopping the war on drugs will really solve that much as far as gross police misconduct. Sociopaths will always find a way to get their jollies. If it’s not drugs, they’ll “suspect” that the guy has gun parts up his bum, if not gun parts, then smuggled gold.
What we do need is some method of personality testing new hire police so as to weed out the predators and over-zealous do-gooders BEFORE they hurt the public.
This being said, I’m all for ending the “War on Some Drugs”, and moving to a strategy of treating the addicts.
And to be clear, I’m not really a keen supporter of the death penalty, but this story was far, far, beyond the pale of what should EVER happen in a constitutional democracy.
The “rape” was only part of it; they could have killed the man if he was anesthetized and he had an undiagnosed heart defect or an allergy to the drugs.[/quote]
Believe it or not, they really DO try to weed them out beforehand. That’s why BG and I have been talking about the hiring and training involved with public service. They do background checks (including interviewing neighbors, former employers, friends, etc. in many cases), psychological tests (personality and IQ, in many cases), credit checks, etc. During training and probation, they pay attention to the personality traits of the recruits/trainees to further weed them out. What your seeing is the “cream of the crop.”
But I do have to add that Texas (not sure about NM) has moved more and more toward trying to save money on law enforcement…lowering pay and eliminating pensions and other benefits. They are seeing a lot more problems as a result, as one would expect.