[quote=spdrun]Difference being that LA prices seem to move much more with the national market rather than staying desirable. Wasn’t there a change of 40-50% peak-to-trough?
NYC and nearby boroughs (i.e. Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan) never really went down since 2008, maybe 10-15%. Same went for the non-ghetto parts of DC.[/quote]
I’d say it’s very local within the given cities and counties. From what I’ve observed, LA and SD peaked at crashed at about the same rates, though LA seems to have an even stronger market, IMHO. Their peak was a bit later than SD’s, and they didn’t seem to have the same inventory increases as we did in SD. FWIW, I focus mostly on the San Fernando Valley, so can’t be as sure about some of the other areas. I check on them, but don’t follow them as closely.