[quote=spdrun]Dallas is a pestilential landlocked shithole with a climate that would make me want to jump off a bridge. San Diego is not. Nice try though.
It’s now 4:45 am in NYC, 1:45 am in San Diego.
In San Diego, it’s 65 out.
In New York, it’s 70.
In Dallas, it’s 81 g-d damn degrees, 75% humidity. At 3:45 am. Not fit for pigs, let along humans who want to sleep without being drenched in sweat and waking up wanting to punch themselves in the nuts.[/quote]
I take it you don’t like Dallas. I’m sure many a Texan would find your observations interesting. Whatever your feelings towards Dallas (or anywhere) they don’t account for the disparity in prices across the US, or other parts of the world. Many people find British weather unbearably miserable. Perhaps Rich can grace us with a misery index to see how it tracks home price indices. The only link is when the penny (or small fortune in this case) drops and you realize how much you over-paid for your modest home.
[img_assist|nid=25351|title=London vs UK, vs US prices|desc=|link=node|align=left|width=466|height=259]