Really? How many people want to move to the rust belt? If you look at any representation of population change by state the northeast is losing population and the southwest is gaining
This isn’t universally true — NYC, Boston, and DC all gained in the last 10 year, and have similarly harsh climates to Michigan. OK, NYC and DC have less strong winters, but still unfavorable to many people.
The problem isn’t climate or location; it’s lack of industry and laws/corruption that don’t favor establishment of new industry.[/quote]
There is a difference between being willing to relocate to an economically viable area (NYC, DC) and convincing enough people to move to a blighted area to revitalize it. I grew up outside of Detroit. The Renaissance Center (which you see in every stock photo of the city) was built 30 yrs ago as part of a major effort to revitalize the city. At that point it was probably possible – but I don’t think it is any longer. And I do believe it was politicians (influenced by the unions and the big three) that killed the city. Case in point – Kwame Kilpatrick, who will soon be sentenced to an additional prison term of 20-30 years.