Sorry and thanks kev. Do you want half of mine? My house is paid for my cars are paid for. I enjoy being true to my conscience and my inner hippie more than I like money.Besides that I am really unemployable. My wife works part time. We will be getting the max plus apparently $300 for each kid of which we have plenty.
Seriously though. I don’t like the plan.I don’t like the idea that this is a massage of mass sentiment that we will be paying for even though we didn’t make an appointment.It is frightening how this seems to be a postponement of the day this country gets real.There are a lot of things I would like to see happen instead of getting a grand or two handed out per family. Could 150B pay for troop withdrawal?
I don’t like corporate favors or lobbying either. I think there are a lot of people with unionjobs, goverment jobs and defense contracting jobs that are on the gravy train 365 days a year working very little for my money by making everything an expensive ordeal and thus robbing my inner hippie of much quality of life potential. I guess I believe that everyone in the U.S. gets lots of handouts across the wealth spectrum, in different kinds of packages. We all get the shaft too in thousand of different ways…