[quote=SK in CV]If you ignore the present state of information available (part of the judge’s definition of “belief”) you might be right here.
[quote=jficquette]I though point number 2 was interesting in that I could see how belief in an all powerful government utilizing Socialism could be defined as a religion considering it has never worked anywhere its been tried yet so many people still have faith in it.
Except for China, Viet Nam, Laos, North Korea. You might argue, even successfully, that none of those are countries most of us would want to live in, they are working.
I suspect you are arguing that we, in the US, are moving towards socialism with the proposed health care reform. Ignoring, again, for the moment the sheer idiocy of the claim, the UK has true socialized medicine. Canada does not, but it’s much closer to socialized medicine than anything that is currently being proposed. Both are working quite well.
Argument fails.[/quote]
The only thing a communist system excels at is killing people. Sort of like Islam.