I’m not sure what incident you’re referring to. The one that’s been discussed here is phone records. Not tapped phone lines.
That said, there have been recent allegations by a former FBI agent that all phone calls (and texts, and emails) are recorded and stored, and can be accessed by law enforcement at a later date.[/quote]
Okay, the confusion stems from the fact that I was referring to the phone-tapping scandal that happened under Bush in the early 2000s. Just pointing out that the government’s tapping into phone calls, phone records, etc. without warrants isn’t new.
And yes, I fully believe that all of our electronic communications are being stored. Why else would our “flat-broke” government be building this? Nice to know we don’t have money for education, healthcare, and other services that would benefit society; but we never hear about there being a lack of money for spying, drones, data centers, etc.