[quote=SK in CV][quote=bearishgurl]SK, you must know that the FBI would not have stated that they were “reopening” (I know you don’t like to call it that but it fits) HRC’s investigation into her e-mail server unless they found some damning evidence on Huma’s laptop or phone. Like it or not, HRC, Huma (and as byproducts) Anthony and Bill are all interconnected. Two of them have been very close for ~20 years and the 4 of them were like One Big Happy Family. Bill actually married Huma and Anthony in 2010.
When one routinely rolls in the mud with their friends and “partners,” they will eventually get someone else’s dirt all over themselves. That’s how it works.[/quote]
The FBI didn’t say they were “reopening”, so no, it doesn’t fit. The FBI doesn’t close cases. They also said they don’t know what is in the emails. So if they don’t know, you can’t possibly even guess that they’re damning. More likely, it’s not the specific content of the emails, in fact, the FBI has acknowledged that all the emails they’re currently referring to (which may be as few as 3) could be emails they’ve already examined.
Weiner is a loser. Bill Clinton is one of the best past presidents the country has ever had. There is no evidence that Huma is anything but an outstanding employee and person. Secretary Clinton’s accomplishments speak for themselves. The dozens of scandals she’s been accused of are nothing more than empty accusations. So, I have no idea what “mud” you’re referring to. Based on your history here, best guess is you’re just making more shit up, so as to not look foolish again. Doesn’t really work very well.[/quote]SK, I’m puzzled at why you are constantly compelled to defend HRC on THIS forum. The bulk of the readers of this forum (90%?) live (and are registered to vote) in CA. Unlike your (adopted) home state of AZ, CA is a “deep blue” state. If every single illegal alien who (accidentally on purpose) was successfully registered to vote at HRC’s 70-80 “tabling events” held throughout the Golden state during the primary season, if wouldn’t matter as to the outcome on November 9. If +/- 2M nonresidents (using their “fake” US addresses at the time of registering to vote) actually made it across the border on 11/8 in a timely manner to pick up their Voter Guides and vote for HRC at their “assigned” SD County polling places, it wouldn’t matter. There are so many of the “liberal elite” residing within the state of CA who would vote against Trump even if Bozo the Clown was running against him on the Democratic ticket. Yes, even if 2M nonresidents successfully crossed the border on 11/8 and were able to successfully vote at their assigned “home polling places” in San Diego County, IT WOULDN’T MATTER as to the outcome of the election! I personally witnessed one event held on a Saturday morning in May of this year by Bill Clinton right here in Chula Vista (their “tabling event” was held IN SPANISH at the student theatre, in the rear of the HS campus). I personally cruised the HUGE student parking lot (as well as the adjacent parking lot of SWC that the rallygoers were using when the rally was already in progress). The verdict was that ~70% of the license plates of vehicles carrying people attending such rally were from …. (drumroll) …. Baja CA Norte. Is anyone surprised??
According to the (1/1/06) “CA Motor Voter Law,” illegal aliens can legally use a PO Box for an address on their new CA Driver Licenses (used to identify themselves as “CA residents for voter registration purposes) while US citizen residents must furnish a street address on their Driver License applications. The reasoning behind this decision is that is was “unfair” to require illegal aliens to furnish a bonafide street address to the DMV on their DL applications because many of them live on their employer’s land in employer-owned trailers (agricultural workers) and thus don’t have an actual street address of their own.
SK, you’re preaching to the choir here on Piggington whilst defending HRC at nearly every opportunity when you could be focused on your OWN RED STATE of AZ! Don’t you belong to any AZ blogs? You could be posting HRC’s “virtues” there instead of here and actually be “successful” in getting her more votes! This is sincerely coming from a former longtime DEM activist! I’ll readily admit that the electoral votes in CA will go to HRC and there is nothing ANYONE can do about that in this election cycle. The thousands of staunch “Dem activists” who reside in the nearly 10M-strong SF Bay area have seen to that. Oh, and you should know that they can (and will) travel! Hello, Nevada! There is no one on this board that knows this better than ME. I’m FROM the bay area, for G@d’s sake!
Sure, there are CA counties that have historically voted REP. Namely, Amador, Butte, Calaveras, Colusa, Del Norte, El Dorado, Fresno, Glenn, Inyo, Kern, Kings, Lassen, Madera, Mariposa, Merced, Modoc, Nevada, Orange, Placer, Plumas, Riverside, Shasta, Sierra, Siskiyou, Sutter, Tehama, Trinity, Tuolumne and Yuba. HOWEVER, the VAST MAJORITY of the above counties DONT HAVE ENOUGH REGISTERED VOTERS IN THEM to even MATTER in the general election.
So there you have it. Let’s get down to brass tacks here. CA has been for many years and is now a DEEP BLUE STATE. The Trump campaign is NOT GOING TO SPEND A DIME in the Golden State, nor should they. So you don’t have to jump in here at every perceived opportunity and try to defend the undefensible. It is wholly unnecessary, especially at this late date … and the Piggs are smart enough to make up their own minds.
Like Michelle Obama stated on the campaign trail on behalf of her spouse, Barack, in 2007 (and in reference to HRC), “If you can’t run your own house, you certainly can’t run the White House.”
So true.
Doesn’t the AZ Republic have a blog or comments section? If so, are you registered for it? If not, why not? You would do well do get on it TOMORROW MORNING and start posting if you want to make a DIFFERENCE in this election. You’re wasting your time here.