[quote=SK in CV][quote=bearishgurl]
Machado isn’t going to get the sympathy of voters. They’re beyond fed up with the whiner/victim mentality that is so prevalent in the “PC culture” of today.
I must step out for an appt. Back later to engage this very interesting debate![/quote]
Actually, yes she is going to get the sympathy of particularly women voters. most women don’t approve of fat shaming or slut shaming. Unlike you, they don’t blame victims. The results are already showing in the polls. . . [/quote]SK, between you and your “sidekick” (flu/flu redux/bullishgurl/fat_lazy_union, etc, etc, depending on what day or time it is) who seems to have recently gotten into the habit of following you around here on your coattails, I just want to point out that the words, “slut” and “prostitute” (to describe Machado) were in both of YOUR posts . . . not mine.
The actual word I used to describe Ms. Machado here was “opportunist” and she is not the first opportunist Trump has ever come in contact with throughout his life, nor will she be the last. She was an opportunist in 1997 and she is still one today. She has no proof whatsoever that Trump called her those two names NOR can she produce any. Trump never admitted to calling her those names. What he said to her (and the surrounding media) was in the workout video. None of that stuff could be considered “insults.” And even if they were taken that way by her at the time (she certainly didn’t act like it or show it), what she did was a breach of her contract or at the very least, a breach of the pageant rules and what they were going to do with her was left up to the discretion of the owner/operator. I’ve reviewed pageant “rules” in the past because one of my kids wanted to enter a regional contest at one time (while they were still in middle school) but never did. The rules applied to all ages between 12 to 22 (3 different levels of the pageant). Signing up for a pageant is a little like signing up for the military. If they accept you as a contestant, there are certain rules and if you win the contest in your category (or become the 1st runner up) there are other rules added to that. Winning that 4-yr scholarship, a new vehicle and cash comes with a price! The winner has to actually work for it by adhering to a busy schedule of appearances to represent the organization (esp in National and International Contests, like Machado was involved in). During their one-year reign, the winner’s appearance is not allowed to change appreciably from when they were crowned (adults only – haircut/change of hairstyle excepted). They could not have visible tattoos. They were not allowed to get pregnant. They must get regular dental care. They were not allowed to get married. They could not show up for any official appearances under the influence of drugs or alcohol or visibly hung over. The winner cannot conduct any activities which would reflect negatively on their “moral turpitude” or negatively on the organization (ie, getting drunk in public, sex which became public and scandalous, associating themselves with known gangsters and/or ex-cons, etc. If any of these things occurred with the winner during their reign (even having a long-term illness or injury through no fault of their own), the owners/operators of the organization have the option of placing the 1st runner up into the position for the duration of the reign. That’s why the 4-yr scholarship is held by the organization until the completion of the winner’s one-year reign. The winner must fulfill the duties of their reign first. Essentially, the winner’s life belongs to the organization during the term of their reign . . . just like in the military.
Voluntarily gaining ~65 lbs in 4 months (as Machado did) was NOT fulfilling her duties. She became depressed because she couldn’t fit into her clothes and missed some of her required appearances on behalf of the pageant. This frustrated Trump and the pageant operators because it is assumed that every adult has full control over their weight and is aware of the rules upon entering the pageant.
Machado did not deny on Fox’s Kelly File segment that she had had eating disorders PRIOR to entering the pageant after Kelly cornered her on the subject. She told Kelly that she had to “starve” herself for months to get down to 118 to fit into her pageant gown. She stated, in essence, “a lot of women have trouble with their weight,” as an excuse why she gained 60+ lbs in 4 months almost immediately after she was crowned. It could actually be argued that she entered the contest under false pretenses well-knowing that she had a problem with her weight yo-yo-ing, she had existing eating disorder(s) for which she had not sought treatment for and had little control over her weight from day to day or week to week.
The way I see it, Trump really went over and above his responsibilities to help Machado properly represent the franchise back in the day. After she became a scheduling and public relations nightmare for the franchise, he should have just immediately replaced her with the first runner-up. He would have been well within his rights to do so. I just think he has a soft heart for a lot of women and just does whatever he can to help them through a rough patch in their lives as one of his female (Asian/Guamanian?) longtime employee/speakers testified to at the RNC.
In utter desperation, Clinton was indeed using Machado “for show as a `token Latina'” in attempt to win over the undecided Latino vote. Machado was a willing participant because she is being PAID by the campaign! Hello?? Promises could have also been made to her to give her some kind of a job if Hill gets elected (too bad she likely can’t spell or write English very well, either). She was positively starstruck when she first appeared on CNN with Cooper …. and to a lesser extent, with Fox’s Kelly. She kept flipping her hair and forgetting what she was going to say and repeating herself in her very broken English. She has been trying mightily to put herself out there as a “representative” of the US Latino/Hispanic electorate and that couldn’t be further from the truth. I was told just before I typed this post that Machado is the laughingstock of the “Latinos for Trump” Facebook page (I’m not a member of FB). That is . . . of both women AND men!
Again, Machado was no “victim” . . . that is, unless you want to consider the position HRC placed her in as “victimizing her” solely for her own political purposes. In any case, she was and is an adult who cooperated with everything she was asked to do by both Trump and Clinton.