[quote=SK in CV][quote=bearishgurl][quote=SK in CV]Can you imagine what a woman would go through trying to be a Presidential candidate if they had 5 children with 3 different fathers, and began relationships with the 2nd and 3rd husbands before they were even separated from the previous spouse?
But it’s ok when a man does it. Apparently even for some women, it’s nowhere near as bad as being married to a man who has had affairs. Is that like Stockholm syndrome or something? Or just general disrespect for women.[/quote]In reference to DJT, you must be referring to him cheating on Ivana with Marla Maples. When Ivana walked away from that marriage/business partnership (which SHE helped build), she was left a multi-millionaire and set for life.
Maples and DJT were only married for +/- 4 years (from ’93 to ’97, when they legally separated). He did not meet Melania until 1998, did not date her until 1999 and did not marry her until 2005. She became a permanent resident of the US on her own in 2001 and a citizen in 2006 (after she married Donald).
You must be getting confused due to Bill’s dozens of trysts highly publicized in the MSM during fully half of our lifetimes. I know . . . it happens.[/quote]
So you’re calling Ivana a prostitute? Because she was paid well, his philandering is ok with you? I can’t even fathom why you think a financial settlement excuses his behavior but Clinton not divorcing her philandering husband makes her horrible.
I’m not confused about anything, other than your hypocrisy in being ok with Donald the philanderer but having a problem Hillary Clinton as the wife of a philanderer. You realize how anti-woman that position is, right?[/quote]SK, I don’t excuse Donald of anything. He was philandering whilst Ivana was running his NY Plaza Hotel around the clock. I don’t think he wanted a divorce from Ivana. She deserved every penny she got in her settlement. But that was the end of his “philandering” while married. Melania wouldn’t have much to do with him until his divorce was final (in 1999).
Hillary Clinton stood by and allowed herself to be repeatedly publicly humiliated for ~10 years in AR and another 8 years in the White House.
Even if they had agreed to an open marriage from Day One (likely the case), HRC literally prostrated herself at Bill’s feet over and over by covering for him and waging “revenge” on the “other women” in the back room whilst being publicly humiliated in the front room over his inability to keep his pants zipped while serving in public office. Honestly, that doesn’t speak much to her self-esteem and pride, especially since she was more than able to support herself well. The whole codependent dance between them has taken its toll on her in more ways than one.
Certainly, you can see the difference in her over the years, SK. You were there, weren’t you?