[quote=SK in CV][quote=bearishgurl]
When Justice Scalia died on February 13, 2016, Pres. Obama had 341 days or 11 months, 5 days left of his term (less than one year). Are you sure the reason our current Republican Senate won’t confirm any of Pres Obama’s supreme court picks in his last year of office are because he’s Black (or half-Black … as the case may be)?[/quote]
or half-black? really? why is that even worth mentioning? Has any other president ever been required to provide his birth certificate to prove he wasn’t born in Kenya? I didn’t read anything you posted except for the last paragraph. Here’s the deal. No supreme court vacancy occurring in the first 6 months of the last year of any presidents last term in office has ever not been filled by that sitting president. Even McConnell acknowledges that it’s purely political. No former president has ever been treated as poorly as this president has. None has been accused of being a liar DURING a state of the union address. None has ever been denied a hearing on a supreme court nominee.
Have you heard the tea partiers claim “I want my country back”? You know what they’re saying, right?
Yes. I’m sure.[/quote]Um, SK, you can’t be “sure” of anything except that by accusing others of racism and idiocy, you are proving yourself to be arrogant, patronizing and a bully. You stated in the link below that you feel that the (“racist”) Republican majority in the Senate is essentially “dissing” Pres Obama re: confirmation of his Supreme Court nomination for the sole reason that he is “Black.”You stated here that you felt that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell himself was a “racist.” I don’t know anything about the “tea party,” nor do I have the time or inclination to listen to right-wing radio talk shows. And I haven’t had TV since January. The reason why I got rid of it is that I myself had only been watching it 1-3 hrs month for the last 15 years (CBS and ABC only). It wasn’t worth the price I was paying to Cox. And I didn’t even know what Fox News was until someone kept texting me clips of it this past February and I had to tell them to stop.
Remember that I have been registered as a “Dem” from the early/mid eighties until April 2016 (with a short stint as an “Independent” when I wanted to vote Bob Filner out of his longtime seat representing the 51st Congressional District … but he was re-elected anyway).
You posted here that McConnell was lying in the video I provided in the link. You explicitly stated that he was “a liar” and a “racist” (as were his fellow Republicans in the Senate) even though he (and several of his brethren) publicly denounced Trump for his public comments on Judge Curiel’s heritage.
I worked for 45 mins the other night researching what you posted here and determined that McConnell was telling the truth to Jake Tapper on CNN … that is, IF the info in Wikipedia is accurate and I suspect it is.
You “didn’t read” my findings because your recollection of “history” in this regard is a bit fuzzy and my “research” doesn’t comport with the fantasy that you have in your head of how things actually were and how they should be today.
And I can’t help it that nearly everyone around you (as you stated in the “List of local politicians supporting Trump” thread) is “ignorant” because you now live in the middle of a “deep red state.” You chose to leave your hometown of SD to move there so you have no choice but to deal with the people around you or move back “home.” Even so, you cannot be sure that at least 30% of San Diegans might not be “idiots” as well, lol ….
[quote=SK in CV][quote=bearishgurl][quote=SK in CV][quote=bearishgurl]
flu, by your recent posts on this thread and others, you seem to the reader to be developing a chip on your shoulder as it applies to the Trump candidacy where there shouldn’t be. That’s on you … NOT Trump. Maybe you, too, SK. [/quote]
I have absolutely no idea what you mean by this. Do I think Trump is a horrible candidate? Absolutely. Do I think every single person who supports him is a complete idiot? Absolutely. The worst candidate in my lifetime from either major party. Worse by an order of magnitude. For a dozen or more reasons. His lack of experience. His lack of the right temperament. His ignorance of the law. His lack of ideas. His lack of curiosity. His disdain for knowledge. His bullying tactics. His racism. His misogyny. His lack of respect for the office. His lack of respect for the press. There’s a dozen I typed without hesitation in a minute or so. But a chip on my shoulder? It’s hardly necessary for me to be critical of his candidacy.[/quote]
Your (bolded) statement is indicative of you “developing a chip on your shoulder,” imho. You could easily find yourself surrounded by “complete idiots” in the space of just a very few days to a few months. Methinks that’s a limiting posture to take and could severely limit your day to day activities and the people you associate with. But if that kind of life suits you, far be it from me to judge.[/quote]
I didn’t bold any words. You did. In my not the least bit humble opinion, the words mean exactly what they say. And your bolding them, and describing them as you have, are indicative, (again, in my not the least bit humble opinion) of you having no clue what “chip on your shoulder” means.
I think the likelihood of Trump winning is miniscule. But that said, I’ve survived just fine, being surrounded by 30% of the population that:
A: Think gay people choose to be gay
B: Think the bible is the literal word of god
C: Think evolution never happened
D: Think global warming isn’t happening or isn’t the result of human action
E: Can’t find the pacific ocean on a map
F: Think Fox News is actually news
Thanks for your concern.
BTW, exactly what policy of Trump’s that he’s actually presented for, is it that you like? Can you point me to the actual plan?[/quote]
Well, I must be a “complete idiot,” then. If 30% of the entire country is a “complete idiot,” that only leaves 70% of the populace who are not “complete idiots” worth talking to or trying to get to know. Hopefully, you are able to “properly vet” everyone you meet before wasting more of your “valuable” time with them … only to find out later that they are actually “complete idiots” for voting for Trump :=0
[quote=SK in CV][quote=bearishgurl]
Wow, SK, I’ve noticed over the years that plenty of “zonies” know how to find Pacific Beach (SD) just fine. I’m disappointed to hear that your peeps in AZ are as “unenlightened” and ignorant as you say they are.
That’s not Arizona people. That’s the entire country.[/quote] (emphasis mine)
Your whole series of posts to me on this and the “list” thread smack of someone with an air of superiority. So superior that they cannot acknowledge that they called someone out as a liar and a racist by mistake. And I’m not talking about myself, here, although in the past, you have (both overtly and covertly) implied that I, too, am a “racist.”