“Since when is the 70th percentile “very good to very high”?”
You obviously don’t have children, so I will explain it to you much the way my son’s preschool teacher explained it to me.
I have 3 children by the way 1 above average, 1 gifted, the 3rd may be gifted as well, but is too young for testing.
Children who score above the 70 percentile are considered to be scoring in an above average area.
If you line up 100 chilren, that child will do better than 70, that is above the average.
My gifted child gets 90’s to the 100 percentile scores. Most children cannot achieve that, BECAUSE YOU HAVE TO BE A GENIUS,his IQ is over 130, he got a 99+(perfect score) on the RAVEN test(that’s a giftedness test, I am sure you didn’t know that either because you are so knowledgable.).
Therefore it is impossible to think that that would be like grading a paper like 90% is an “A”.
Some, NOT All, read carefully now, have the average scores in that area.
The API is a good way to tell if a school is reaching it’s academic progress for the year. Schools are ranked 1 to 10. 5 being AVERAGE, “most” Santee schools are ranked 8, an above average score.
May be that will clear somethings up for you since you seem not to know very much about anything.