Since this thread has been hijacked anyway, as a “Boomer” I couldn’t resist making a few comments.
Since none of us choose when we are born, IMO, the main thing is to make your life the best life it can be for you and your family.
I can only speak for myself and people I know, but most of our friends–especially those near our age (50’s)–have lived, and are living the lives they want to live every single day, with few financial concerns.
Most of us have done just about everything we want to do in the world, and we hope future generations have that same good fortune. I have no animosity toward younger generations–I’m glad to be in a position to pass everything along to my kids, so they can live life to the max also.
Sure, there is always the highly unlikely possibility that America could tank, but if that ever happens, I seriously doubt that any other location in the world will offer a completely safe haven, financially, or otherwise. Friends who live in other countries are far more concerned about their financial futures than we are.
Bottom line is that many people don’t even make it into their 50’s or beyond for health or other reasons–so enjoy life while you can–whatever your age, because you never really know what lies ahead.