Seriously? I am suppose to vote against the guy cause of this?
First, check the source. Ex-wife. Not the best of sources for unbiased information. And even she says that she remains on good terms with McCain, and that he pays all her medical bills for life. How many ex’s remain on good terms with each other? I think that says something good about both of their characters. The author is forced into insuating a hidden hatred cause he cant quote her saying anything bad.
Second, I love the way he cites “acquaintances” with no names. Gives the article the hit that the former Mrs. McCain wouldnt give. I am sure there are some people I wasnt nice to in the first grade that would recognize my name if asked. Are they really the people who we should be asking to find out if I am a good person?
Third, it seems that his marrage to his second wife has lasted for nearly 30 years. That is alot longer than most marrages last today, and something that he should be proud of. I dont know of many “womanizers” that get married and say faithful for the next 28 years. Usually that is ascribed to “family men”.
Fourth, are people actually saying that someone cant change after 5 years of hell? I am sure the McCain that shipped off isnt the same McCain that came home. So he has to live the old McCains life cause otherwise we’ll judge him as bad for leaving his crippled wife?
Fifth, notice how the author doesnt say anythign about McCains health problems from the war. Maybe a cripple isnt exactly the right person to be taking care of a cripple, even if he does understand the pain she is in.
And Most importantly,,,,,,,
What the hell is the point of the article? It is obviously to slam John McCain for leaving his crippled wife cause she wasnt pretty anymore. Cept, the former Mrs Cain tosses that out the window when she is quoted as saying “It was just awful, but it wasn’t the reason for my divorce.’My marriage ended because John McCain didn’t want to be 40, he wanted to be 25.”
So, John McCain didnt leave his wife cause she was a cripple, he left her cause years of his life had been sacrificed and he felt different than he was “suppose” to. Damn, what kinda story is that? Better make something up to get the feminist movement in a tissy since they are looking for something now that Hilary is out.