You will have to go to the board and ask why you weren’t able to snoop out the rest of my transactions. Unfortunately the archives don’t have some of my original posts where I explained to Perry Chase and Adam that I was a dabbler who did 1-4 transactions a year and work as a general contractor.Adam can check his emails and find some of this too I believe.Not sure. There are more recent posts and on this thread I mentioned that I was a dabbler. It would have been polite for you to ask what I mean at that point. Can You find some “fraud” or did I just look pretty smart until you found out (sic) that I only had three transactions?
I sat out the bubble for the most part,very few transaction, as I have mentioned various times on this blog.I sold somewhere around the peak and bought the property that I have now and which I am building a rental on. Actually I bought hte lot first and then sold, details.I am proud not to have snaked bunches or people into being upside down.i can give you bucnches of contacts or people who I had told not to buy anything.There is one bad case and I am going to that clients birthday next month. I told them not to do it. Do you want a phone number to verify? Leave me your email and I will hook you up.
My personal enterprise on my own and in conjunction with others, even when I am not on title have all been productive, in a small scale way. Since blogging here I have taken all the courses to get my brokers license and been in communication with you fellas and my broker continuously. I have recently done an REO and killed it. Not a problem and short salea ,which I haven’t done for many years won’t be a problem. The same tenacity I bring to posting here I take in favor of my clients. I don’t need commissions and don’t even start to worry about it until the last week or so of escrow. By then yes I want to get paid but sometime even then in support of your clients you need to be ready to let it go.
Anyway. I will work on my infomercial. Please think about offering me a nice bottle of wine for every transaction of mine you missed. There are not a lot but like I said, I am a highly qualified Dabbler. Hell, if Temecula guy and others can show just as much talent as you fellas do,except for maybe a few specifics that insiders need to know, why not? I am equally obsessed and interested as the are,have a great broker behind me and I am not sure but I think I did repos and short sales quite a number of years before you did as a buyer.You have only recently become an “expert” at that right? I also have lived in San Diego since 1980. I am not sure you will anoint me with the Real Estate Insider crown I am not sure I want it. Those lofty labels come with strings attached.
I am not sure it is my job to bring to this blog whatever it is you are disappointed that I haven’t brought. You are entitled to your opinion.
Anyway my insights and posts stand on there own or the don’t. Whatever.
I think you should not deny that you would take business here.Why not. Realtor is not a shameful profession unless you make it that way. Maybe you have other reasons? Good luck to you David.