Not to state the obvious, but how would you know if it was different here than other places if you have only lived here?[/quote]
Of course it’s different from other places. My point is it’s ALWAYS been this different. Prices have always been higher here than in many other places because of these differences. The problem is that the spread is greater now (in some areas) than it has been in the past.
While I haven’t lived in other states, I’ve certainly traveled a fair amount and have friends/family in other states. I’ve also lived overseas as a child for a couple of years. I’m not trying to compare the differences WRT other places. I’m saying it’s not so “different” today compared to how it was decades ago. Yes, there are changes, but I do not think they warrant the high prices we’re seeing in many places.
The sun has always been here. The beach has always been here (some would argue the beach was a lot nicer decades ago). The weather has always been here. These are the reasons everyone cites when talking about how “different” it is here.
Yes, industries will change, and there will be booms and busts over time; but the main driver (weather) is no more different today than it was 20, 30, 50 years ago, relatively speaking.
edit/correction: Long, long ago, prices here were actually lower than other places, but that was because there were no jobs here, and the midwest had all the industry. In that sense, things have shifted, but it’s not like it justified the rapid price escalation in the past 10 years. It’s been a long, slow change.