[quote=sdrealtor]New Mexico is beautiful but I beleive it has the highest percentage of people on public assistance in the country. I have a client who came from there. Its not just the cold winters but the winds that blow all year. They described it as getting sandblasted all Summer.[/quote]
Yes, jp, NM is part of “God’s Country.” I drove thru there again this last July and there was heavy fog and SNOW falling in the mtns about 45 miles east of ABQ![/quote]
As I said, last time I was in Taos was 10 years ago, around September/October. No wind. No snow even (I was hoping to ski). Though it was cold, the sun was blazing.
I did not find that people were poor. People definitely figure out ways to get off the grid: solar, wind, septic on acres of land people own doing their own farming and many are in a cooperative.
Very different from California and you have to really want to live a simple life.