[quote=sdrealtor]Just read an article that over 30% of employment in St George is in construction. What’s that gonna look like next year EP?[/quote]
shees, sdr, you just won’t leave this thread die a natural death.
I guess you are saying the higher interest rates will choke off the St. George economy because we are so dependent on construction jobs.
For starters, people and employers are still flocking to St. George. You could double mortgage rates and a given house will still cost less per month than in any big CA city. Plug in utility rates, property taxes, cost of living, etc. and it’s no contest. Our unemployment rate is 2.1%.
There is no way construction jobs are over 30%. Your source, please.
A little googling revealed, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, that the category of “mining, logging, and construction” constituted 12.7% of the St. George civilian work force.