[quote=sdrealtor]Just a side note. I have closed approx 100 short sale listings in the last 3 years. The have invloved public sector and private sector workers. Some have been strategic defaults (taking advantage of the non-recourse nature of some loans) while others have involved legitimate hardships. Going back in my mind and thinking about the public sector workers I have doen short sales for I cant think think of a single one that wasnt strategic to a very large degree. I guess job security does that.[/quote]
I forgot to ask: Did you “coach” all these supposedly “well-paid” and “well-benefited public sector workers” to actually default and take the hit to their credit so they could qualify to “sell short” and possibly “keep the change?”
And how did they “qualify” to “sell short” when the “financials” they “should” have submitted to their lender should have shown they were “secure” in their employment? Could it be that they got away with submitting “phony financials” to their lender(s)? If so, who helped them with that??