[quote=sdrealtor]I’ll add one more log to the things are different around here now fire. 20 years ago and probably even 10 years, my friend moving here from NYC could have never lived here. He’s one of the millions of self-employed folks whose entire business focus, business model and ability to work from home have been enabled by technology. He was previously tied to the NY area but now he can live anywhere with high speed Internet, smartphones, video conferencing, acceptibility of teleconferencing, outsourcing etc. I run into many folks that could live anywhere and have chosen here. That wasnt part of the market here 20 yrs ago like it is today.[/quote]
As far as technology enabling people to move here…it also enables them to move away. I’ve heard of more people using that technology to move AWAY from here to more affordable places, as they are not as tied to job centers (which SD is).
Many people find they’re much better situated, financially, when they move to a lower-cost state/city.