[quote=sdgrrl]Zeitgeist, what the hell are you babbling about? Sure you don’t like Obama and his numbers have gone down amongst registered Independents, but what have you got in your corner? Really I want to know. Palin? Limbaugh? Cantor? Bachmann? Romney? Even Paul is unelectable as much as Kucinich.
If you think your party looks any more esteemed or has garnered more respect with their recent behavior you are so wrong it’s laughable. I’m laughing now.
Beck/Limbaugh 2012.[/quote]
Sdgrrl: Speaking as a conservative (not a Republican; as I’ve said before, I haven’t voted GOP since Dole in 1996), I am watching a fast forward self destruction of the truly liberal wing of the Democratic Party.
Forgetting Obama’s plummeting poll numbers for a second, focus instead on his sudden inability to successfully articulate any sort of coherent policy approach on any one of a number of issues.
Healthcare and Afghanistan are the two largest ones, in my mind. On healthcare, Obama squandered a golden opportunity to lay out his case to the American people and “make the sale”. Instead, we’re treated to a circus side show by the Administration, culminating with the thoroughly vile Pelosi accusing average citizens of being “un-American” for engaging in the most basic right (1st Amendment) of all: Assembling and speaking out about an issue that gravely concerns them.
On Afghanistan, pay particular attention because this war will be Obama’s Vietnam. There is no clear cut mission and this war is being waged in a country which has ejected countless foreigners before, going back to Alexander the Great. We are expending ever more blood and treasure in this swamp of a country and the very people (liberal and left wing Democrats) who condemned Bush’s “War of Choice” are now engaging in the self-same conduct in this “War of Necessity”. Iraq, however, was actually somewhat functioning as a viable country, versus Afghanistan, which ranks perilously close to Somalia in various rankings regarding lawlessness, violence, corruption and lack of any sort of cultural or societal underpinnings.
Yes, the GOP has become a tired joke and a broken brand. The Dems, who were handed a glittering opportunity and control of all three branches of government, have managed to very nearly put it into the ditch and do so in about 200 days. Bravo!