I’d think of myself as more of a 1.0 / -7.0, though.
Kinda cool.
Actually, I goofed on my personal assessment.
I would have expected me to land about +8 / -8.
I’m much less of an authoritarian than -3.9 shows. The 6.6 on economic freedom is pretty good, though I’d like to see it higher.
I’m shocked at how many people are so far on the left on the economic scale. Perhaps the bad economy handed to us by the Republicans is driving that.
The left side of that scale should be labelled “economic authoritarian” instead of “left” cuz that’s what it really is. And the right should be labelled “free markets”
Government intervention in the economy is such an awful thing, it just makes me sick to see people on the left side of that centerline.
You are all seeing what authoritarian manipulation of the market (i.e. – Federal Reserve setting interest rates) lead to, and you still want it.
Perhaps you have been fooled into thinking this has been a “deregulated” environment.
I say only the purple and red zones are based on consistent principals. Looking for authoritarian control of economics but not social issues makes no sense. Neither does authoritarian control of social issues but free markets. Either the gov. controls or it doesn’t, I say.
Note that our current political spectrum aligns iteslf from the lower left green corner to the upper right blue corner – Dems seeking personal freedom with control of the economics. Repubs seeking free markets but control over personal decisions driven by religion. This is tangential to the consisten axis from upper left to lower right.
Stalin wasn’t a good guy, but at least he was consistent.
This is why the political battle rages eternal without resolution. Two inconsistent ideologies fighting each other.
I say Repubs and Dems are both just a bunch of idiots who have based their political opinions on logically inconsistent platforms rather than guiding principals.