[quote=sdduuuude][quote=CA renter][quote=sdduuuude][quote=zk]Why do the kids from Watts generally end up taking government support while the kids from Carmel Valley pay for it? [/quote]
Because the money is there. Because the CV folks have no choice in the matter. If there is no government support then the kids from Watts wouldn’t end up taking the government support, now would they ?
Perhaps you meant to ask – ‘Why are the kids from Watts unable to support themselves?’
Which is a different question, alogether, but perhaps the same answer.[/quote]
And if they couldn’t get govt support, do you think they’ll just “get off their lazy asses and go to work”? This, IMHO, is where the difference lies between the left and the right. You have to look at history to see how it ends…almost every single time.[/quote]
Nice strawman argument. No, I don’t think they would. One of three things would happen:
1) They would perish, failing to reproduce.
2) They would find private charity, based on volunary donations.
3) They (later generations) would anticipate the fact that no life support will be available to them and choose to better prepare themselves.
Perhaps you can tell I’m on neither the left nor the right.[/quote]
Do you really believe that those are their only, or most likely, choices? Any evidence that one of these three choices would be chosen instead of the one that is actually chosen in real life throughout history? Funny, because when I study history, it’s more likely that more and more people will chose violence and revolution over just “lying down and dying” so that the rich can maintain their wealth and power. They will seek charity only if charity is available; and the rich, especially if they think like you do, will eventually put a stop to the charity. And your #3 option is exactly what I stated (which you called a straw man argument) — that they will simply buck up and start working, whether or not there are any jobs to be had, and whether or not those jobs would actually support a person or family.
When wealth/income disparities are the greatest and have reached the breaking point, as they are now, there has, almost without exception, been one type of response from the masses, and it’s not one of your choices. Why do you think they are militarizing the police forces across the country? Why do you think they are getting us used to road blocks and checkpoints? Why do you think they have been getting us accustomed to sharing all of our details on the internet? Why do you think they are engaging in all of the spying? The government and the police are there to protect the wealthy, not you and me and all of the other Joe Sixpacks out there. Note how quickly and decisively they came out against the Occupy movement and the original Tea Party movement (before it was co-opted and squashed by the Republican Party). Both were very similar when they started out.
With all due respect, I think you need to take a closer look at what’s really happened throughout history rather than basing your beliefs on a fiction writer’s nonsensical theories (Ayn Rand).