[quote=sdduuuude][quote=CA renter]No, it would go to other “special interests,” like developers, other agencies, etc.[/quote]
I’m not talking about privitization or hiring developers or other agencies to teach school. You are off on some unrelated tangent.
I’m simply saying that hiring non-union teachers as employees will cost the taxpayers less and still provide jobs to teachers. In fact, it could provide more jobs to teachers because for a fixed budget, lower cost per teacher means they could hire more teachers. So, you either get more teaching jobs or the taxpayers save money.[/quote]
Again, this is not at all an unrelated tangent. This is precisely what the anti-union/privatization movement is all about. I keep posting data about it, but apparently you aren’t reading or researching it(???). Am I not being clear about where all the anti-union rhetoric is coming from, or why we’re being inundated with so much anti-labor propaganda? How many times do I have to implore you (and others) to research the topic for yourselves? Don’t take my word for it, do your own research! How many times does it have to be said before people finally grasp what’s going on?
Once again…the anti-union propaganda is not coming from taxapayer advocates! It is coming from the privatization movement, and this is where things like Prop 32 are coming from.
If the unions are dismantled, the privatization movement will be able to take over public assets, the public school system, and other public functions. THEY WILL NOT SAVE TAXPAYERS ANY MONEY! That is not their goal, and it was never their goal. They want to own public assets and control public cash flows. They are not looking to save you money. All Joe Sixpack will get from this is a smaller pool of decent, living-wage jobs.
When you hear about “education reform,” it is coming directly from the privatization movement. If we move to a non-union workforce in public education, these schools will be taken over by private charter school companies. The reason the attacks on unions have been so vicious is because unions are the only thing standing between public control over our assets/services and privatization which will further concentrate wealth and eliminate millions of decent jobs across the U.S.