[quote=SD Realtor]Sad cuz when I think of it, my wife and I have a several videos we have taken of the boys in the tub taking a bath. They have bathed together since the youngest was born and now they are 4 and 5 so as you would guess the videos have gotten more and more priceless. My wife also has a few good ransom pictures of each of them that she plans to show their girlfriends when they are teenagers just to embarass the crap out of them. Our younger one loves to run around naked with a towel only he uses as a cape and he is “nekkid man” chasing our cats and dogs all over the home.
Man oh man….[/quote]
If you love your children you have a few options:
1) Never, ever take a picture of anyone under 18. Never.
2) Move to another country, any other country. I just got back from Dubai and India where they have strict ban on pornography. An Indian doctor who was shipping adult magazines to India got a 10 year prison sentence when he returned to India. And yet no place but here will they kidnap kids without extreme proof.
3) Since you didn’t follow my first 2 rules, you can gather up all your photoalbums, video tapes, memory cards, hard drives and take them to Burning man and burn them. And don’t forget rule #1.