[quote=SD Realtor]It is hard to admit that other employees will do the same work or even higher quality work for a fraction of the cost.
In some circles, that is simply not acceptable.[/quote]
EVERY worker in the U.S. is competing with others who would do the work for less. Should we all just continue down the rat hole until we are all living in mud huts and eating a bowl of rice per day? Maybe we should all strive to live with 15 people in a single room with dirt floors? Would our corporate masters be happy then?
All the while, corporate profits are at historic highs — and executive compensation is also at historic highs — because companies are able to take advantage of cheap labor and lax environmental standards in poor countries, and then sell their products and services to people in developed countries…people who still believe that their wages will eventually “catch up” to costs with inflation, so they’ve shifted from buying with wages to buying with debt. That is doomed to fail, eventually. Seems to me that we need to rebalance and shift more of the profits back to the people who actually do the work that makes the profits possible in the first place. We should work to bring everybody up, not down.