On the one hand you will argue that it is a shame that people would have to move out of san diego to find affordable housing. That they should not have to.
Yet your argument for pensions is that people who do not work in the public sector should not get them. That the solution is for us chumps in the private sector to quit and get a public sector job.
You love to argue how in favor of the workers, that the working class should receive all corporate profits but you are plenty satisfied with the differences in how the private and public working class employees are treated.
In your utopia shouldn’t all working class employees receive the exact same treatment?
Why shouldn’t they get the exact same benefit?[/quote]
Two words ….. PRIVACY and FREEDOM! As a lineworker in a govm’t bureaucracy, the “privacy” and “freedoms” that private-sector workers enjoy does not exist. Not unlike the military, a gov’t peon has to “fall in line” with the way they are taught to perform their tasks or be labeled “insubordinate” and disciplined or released during their probationary period. It doesn’t matter whether the way you are taught is the most efficient way or whether you think the task even needs to be done, your “supervisor” knows best. He or she could very well have little to no actual “qualifications” for the job and quite often far less education than you but was “promoted” for “bending over.”
As a new govmt employee, you will first meet your new “supervisor” to get your set of five-pound-each “Rule Binders” and learn what makes them tick, pronto … “respect” be damned!
I want to know a few things about the “privately-employed” Piggs who rag on and on here about public pensions.
1. Do you routinely “day trade” during NYSE trading hours (6:00 am to 1:00 pm PST)? Do you day-trade in foreign markets between 1:00 and 5:00 pm?
2. If you came back to your workstation a little late from lunch hour because perhaps you got stuck in traffic (as little as 6 mins or 1/10 of an hour), will you be docked vacation pay for it?
3. If you decided to lay down in the restroom or in your vehicle during a 15 min break because you had a headache and came back 15-30 mins late, would you be docked vacation or sick pay for it?
4. If you were arrested for a DUI or other misdemeanor, would your employer get word of it before you even came back to work the next day and take disciplinary action against you, up to and including termination, pending outcome of your case. Would they send one of their “lackeys” to court to watch the resolution of your case?
5. Have you ever been sent home from work to change clothes and docked vacation pay for the time away from work because your supervisor/mgr did not feel what you wore to work was “appropriate?”
6. Do you blog, shop online and surf the internet during the business day?
7. Do you have a keylogger installed on your workstation?
8. Do you have a keystroke counter installed on your workstation? Do you have to tally your work up at the end of each workday, much like showing “billable hours?”
9. If you have to go to the restroom while at work, do you have to let a coworker know and hang a sign in your workstation showing what time you’ll be back? Has your supervisor ever came in or sent someone into the restroom to find out why you’re taking so long?
10. Did your employer run your credit report as a condition of employment?
11. Did your employer contact as many of your relatives as they could dig up out of the “archives” prior to hire to see what they would say about you?
12. Did your employer send an investigator out to talk to your neighbors prior to deciding to hire you?
13. Did your employer run a FBI/CII (now CA DOJ) background check on you and members of your immediate family prior to deciding to hire you?
14. Did you have to sign an open-ended “release” allowing your employer to perform all of the above “checks” on you prior to hire? Did the release you sign give them the right to keep running these checks throughout your employment? Was the signing of this release a condition of employment?
15. Does your employer have the right at any time during your employment to demand a “fitness for duty” examination by their doctor in the absence of your filing worker’s comp claim?
16. Were you ever formally disciplined because you called in sick 15 minutes after your “start time” elapsed?
17. Were you ever formally disciplined because you tried to “sneak out” of work prior to the “closing bell” at 5:00 pm?
18. Have you ever asked your employer if you could telecommute 1-2 days per week and were told to “pack sand?”
19. If you are an “hourly” non-exempt employee, have you been denied overtime pay for working late to complete a particular job?
20. If you work in downtown SD, is parking provided to you free of charge by your employer?
21. Are you allowed to talk on your cell phone, text and go online on your mobile device during working hours?
22. If you have a “side gig” or moonlight, do you need to disclose all the “who, what, when, where and why” about it on a form to your employer (so you can be “monitored” for potential conflicts of interest), lest they find out from another employee (or overhear you talk about it on your lunch hour) and take disciplinary action against you for NOT disclosing it?
23. Have you ever lunched with or hired for labor on your property an ex-con and feared your employer would find out about it and discipline you? Do you actually even run background checks on workers who come on to your property??
24. Are you required to submit to a periodic urinalysis by your employer’s medical contractor as a condition of continuing employment?
25. If arrested for a felony and bailed out of jail, will your employer immediately put you on an unpaid “furlough” pending outcome of your case?
L@rd . . . I can go on …. and on …. and on. Suffice to say I have represented many non-managerial employees in the past on grievances, ULPs and discipline taken against them on the above “transgressions.”
If you are a new parent, do you think you’re going to “stay home with child(ren)” longer than the statutory 10-week FML (plus any accrued vacation time you have on the books) and still retain your govm’t gig, its benefits and pension vesting or accrual? Think again.
In order to earn that “lofty pension” you all are lamenting over here, a gov’t employee needs to “fall in line” and “bend over” for a minimum of 25 years.
If you often wonder why the 40 or 50-something gov’t peons at your local service counter look “worn out,” it is likely because their vacation accrual was consistently bled off their “books” biweekly in increments of 1/10 of an hour due to “life” happening to them.
Do you all think can do this? Like I’ve always stated here, GO FOR IT!!!!! Start filling out those lengthy applications and get ready to bend over … no, d-e-e-e-per . . . and stay there – don’t move! Because, even though this is America, yo a$$ will NOT belong to YOU anymore ;=]