[quote=SD Realtor]I thought that the following quote in the LA Times was one of the most responsible statements regarding housing that we have ever seen:
….That man was typified by Romney’s response little more than a year ago when he was asked by the Las Vegas Review-Journal about another housing issue: What he would do about the foreclosure crisis that was costing thousands of Nevadans their homes?
“Let it run its course and hit the bottom,” Romney said. “Allow investors to buy homes, put renters in them, fix the homes up, and let it turn around and come back up.”
I would vote for Romney just for this quote alone! That is exactly what should have happened. We should have just let the foreclosures run their course (like we have the past 100+ years) instead of all this absolute whacked out Gov intervention BS that happened instead (loan mod’s, people squatting in their houses for 3 years, the whole non-issue Robosigning sh*t). This quote by Romney shows some business intelligence and business mindset vs. the loony tunes that happened instead.