[quote=scaredyclassic]it is quite remarkable to me how a switch can flip and what seemed impossible to me, even when I had gone vegetarian (become a vegan? you gotta be kidding; pizza!); and then suddenly, it is absolutely clear and easy.[/quote]
the inconvenient truth is,… too few people are taught in school or are able to learn on their on there own that there are consequence to the personal choices we make (such as the food we consume)
there was NYT article that caught my eye about the state of the educational system,…
[quote] What Do Middle Schools Teach About Climate Change? Not Much.
…A decade ago, 26 states and several groups representing teachers and scientists unveiled the Next Generation Science Standards. Since then 45 states and the District of Columbia have adopted the standards or similar ones.
But at the middle school level, even the Next Generation standards include only one standard out of about 60 that explicitly mentions climate change.
…A curriculum doesn’t exist until it enters the classroom. And since so many of the middle school Next Generation Science Standards have connections to climate change but don’t explicitly mention them, it can be a major opportunity for teachers.
But researchers have found that many teachers received little climate education themselves.
…According to teachers, one of the main challenges is a lack of good supplemental materials.
…it is unsurprising that teachers turn to online materials. But the information they find there may be outdated, inaccurate or simply not suitable for children. The Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network, an organization that provides free climate education materials, found that only 700 of the 30,000 free online materials they reviewed were accurate and suitable for use in schools.
the educational system needs to do away w/ woke influence,… I say this because seems too much emphasis is placed on is placed on idiotic stuff like gender pronouns at the expense of teaching the basic idea of being able to differentiate a “want” vs a “need”
if more people were able to differentiate a “want” vs a “need” then more people would switch and consume less animal protein