[quote=scaredyclassic][quote=CA renter][quote=scaredyclassic]also, when they choke out a middle aged white lawyer when he refuses a citation for for a leaky sprinkler, it’ll take some of the gusto out of the race argument.
or some mouth white soccer mom having a bad day venting at a traffic cop and refusing some command or other. choke her out![/quote]
I think there have been some cases where mouthy white women were roughly treated by some cops. And then there were these cases, which I find every bit as disturbing as the Garner case:
tasered through winter clothing? Please. She needed to get shot if she were a big black dude in a winter coat which a teaser can’t poenetrate. At least a beatdown. Refusing direct police orders? Very dangerous….the taser did nothing under the circs.e[/quote]
The officer’s first attempt was thwarted a bit by her coat. He opened her coat when he tasered (tazed?) her a second time; at least, that’s how I read it. In front of her kids, too.
Lots of cops overstep their bounds, but you have to consider the number of interactions they have, too. The vast majority of calls/stops go rather smoothly, and some of those are very high-stress situations, too. We just don’t hear about them on the news.