I think it’s not uncommon for police to see potential suspects as not fully human equals.
That is bad.
That video of the police taking down and paralyzing the 57 y.o. Indian gramps is actually pretty freaky. Are these “bad cops” acting outrageously?
Sure seems so to me and probably any normal person on the planet, but I doubt the cops thought so because they had their dash cam on the whole time.
Cops there were trying initially to blame the victim for failing to instantly submit. Without the camera of course the narrative from the police absolutely would be different.
Land of the free…
if that were my grampa, I would not be satisfied with anything less than a 10 year prison sentence for those cops…yet I’m confident those police officers thought at the time they were acting completely reasonably. Am I being hysterical? Perhaps. Perhaps these cops are part of a vanishingly small subset of police who would consider acting this way.[/quote]
Have to disagree with you, scaredy. Clearly, these cops were trying to deal with the man in a civil, respectful way. They perceived that he was resisting them (and you know better than I if he had a right to resist), and they threw him on the ground in order to cuff him (my guess). The probably used a bit too much force, and that, combined with bad luck regarding the way he hit the ground, is what caused the problem.
Do they need to learn different techniques to take someone down? Perhaps. Did they possibly use too much force? Also possible. Was this a criminal act deserving of 10 years in jail? No, absolutely not, IMHO.