[quote=scaredyclassic][quote=FlyerInHi][quote=scaredyclassic]children are such tender sprouts. they vibrate with emotion and long for acceptance. to know someone is there and fighting for you. so important.
i made some pad thai ina box for my boys who are very large last night. put a big steaming plate of it infront of the 18 year old.
“my pa loves me” he said, reflexively.
elliot couldnt even walk into his da’ds house without getting a big pile of shit from his stepmother. bullshit.[/quote]
Some kids need more love than others, sure.
Did anyone consider that too much love can be detrimental and cause needy, dysfunctional kids?
Some kids get sent to boarding academy and become very strong adults ready to conquer the world.
Maybe Elliot didn’t need more love and coddling but needed to learn how to handle life, despite his mental weaknesses. We all have weaknesses and neurosis to overcome in order to thrive. The people who have fewer weaknesses are just luckier.
Elliot seemed to tie his well-being to possessing luxury products and having a hot girlfriend. The problem is that he wasn’t equipped to go out and get what he wanted.[/quote]
Perhaps for some but no boarding school, not even hogwarts would’ve worked for elliot.[/quote]
I don’t know about other people…but love and coddling isn’t what it’s all about all the time. That’s crazy talk. They may be tender shoots but all plants need to be hardened off before they get set out into the elements. The skill is to do it without sun scalding them.
Then again, this “conquering the world” stuff I am not sure that is a great main goal for every kid.